Friday, August 21, 2020


I've recently mentioned here and across other social media that I'm finally getting the ball rolling with both my dormant YouTube channel and Patreon feed.
I'm thrilled to be flexing some creative muscles that I wasn't sure I was ready to use. But in the process of creating new content in new ways, I'm realizing that it's not a far cry from what I've already been doing, and actually feeding my inspiration to create even more. It reminds me of a quote attributed to Pablo Picasso: "inspiration exists, but it has to find you working", meaning, you don't gain inspiration being idle, you start, and then the ideas start flowing. Crazy, right? 

Created by Renée on YouTube
But I have found that to be absolutely true. I notice when I go to work on one idea, before I can make much progress, three more ideas appear. I think it's the thought process, the brain working out solutions as a project progresses that gets other creative juices flowing. And I think it applies to other things beyond painting, sculpting, etc. I've experienced it in cooking, gardening, repairing things, and beyond. It's amazing how so many activities can inspire ideas and solutions that we wouldn't have stumbled onto otherwise. 

Have you noticed this phenomenon? What gets you inspired? Anyway, as always, I hope this post inspires someone out there to start some things, even if it's just startin a lil' trouble (okay, maybe don't do that). 

I have a feeling this well of creativity that has brought me back to all my creative outlets will keep flowing and will garner lots of projects and content for me and others to experience. So I hope to have some friends along for the ride.

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I hope to see you (and chat with you) here and on YouTube and Patreon! Please say hello, friends.

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