Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gimme a Moment

Okay, I must just take a couple of seconds to take issue with a phrase that's been in rotation since who knows when.  The other day I was talking to someone who threw it out and it struck a chord in me.  She said "I just have an hour to kill, so... yada yada yada".  Okay, anyone who knows me knows how ruthlessly I try to guard my time.

I can't stand waste in any arena of my life.  Don't like wasted money, food, supplies, energy, etc., but most of it I can get back or comp out on the other end somehow.  But since a day or an hour is a commodity that one cannot ever get back, why try to kill it, so to speak?!  I agree with whomever said that time is our most valuable commodity, because once lost, it can never be regained.  Don't get me wrong, I realize that the way I say it seems too literal for everyday application, and that one can save time here and there, but the concept of trying to rid oneself of a segment of time seems ludicrous to me, since I'm one of the freaks who'd love to get a 36 hour day once in a while.  Just saying.

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