I've been doing some tweaking here and there around my website, my shops, and my social outlets, and I wanted to share two new things I've finally found time to get rolling. I have an ages-old, neglected Pinterest account where I'm finally actively pinning. I'm finding and sharing some awesome inspiration there, and as someone who likes to feel she's maximizing every moment, pinning is an awesome way to fill time while I stand in line, wait for an appointment, etc. Find my boards, and what's inspiring me here:
The other new outlet is my sketch blog, which can be found on my website in the drop down menu under "blog". There, I will be sharing some of my (often cryptic and crazy) sketches, some of which will become finished projects. If you've ever wanted an inside look at my work, this is one place to find it. Check out the first few posts here.
The other new outlet is my sketch blog, which can be found on my website in the drop down menu under "blog". There, I will be sharing some of my (often cryptic and crazy) sketches, some of which will become finished projects. If you've ever wanted an inside look at my work, this is one place to find it. Check out the first few posts here.
I hope you'll take a look, and connect with me there, if you have a Pinterest account!